Saturday, October 10, 2009

Headaches Should Be Outlawed

Today I woke up with a headache. I mean a really huge whopper of a headache. Pounding in my right temple and between my eyes. Threatening to make me faint if I happened to stand up too quickly. My sweet husband (K2) had gone with the Scouts for the “annual scout/family hike” in the canyon and I attempted to sleep off the pain.

And then the doorbell rang. And I was really tired and my head was killing me. I made my way downstairs and whomever it was had already left. So I locked the door, took a couple of tylenol, went back up to bed, and discovered that AJ was now awake. He climbed into our bed and I attempted to go back to sleep.

Two and a half frustrating hours later the phone rang. AJ had been waking me up every 20 minutes. On the phone was my sweetheart asking if the boys had slept in their beds and if so, did I want him to get slurpies for them? Yes! Please do. And could you bring me a gatorade too?

K2 arrived soon afterward with fantastic, sugary beverages in hand. I turned on a movie for the kids, made a couple of sandwiches for me and K2, and joined him in the study where I hoped to drink my gatorade and work on a Twitter design for a client in peace. Several minutes later AJ came in and insisted on sitting with me.

Have you ever tried working in Photoshop with a toddler who bumps your hand every few seconds? It's quite difficult. And I still had the pounding-headache-of-doom. I took some anti-allergy medicine and one sudafed, hoping that would be the magic cure. And AJ continued to climb on me like I was the human jungle gym.

I told K2 that I was trying to enjoy the moment. I know AJ will grow up someday and not need me as much as he does now, but I admit that it's hard to fully enjoy being climbed on when your head is pounding and you just want to climb into a deep, dark hole.

I finally finished up my client's design and started re-working my Twitter account. After a couple more hours (and lots of refills of chocolate milk for the boys' sippy cups), I finally gave up, took one excedrine, and sat on the couch watching “Aristocats” with the kids. AJ of course snuggled up to me and I put pressure on my right eye, which seemed to help for some strange reason.

AJ fell asleep (finally!) and I took the opportunity to lay him on our bed and take a hot shower. Since it was 5:00pm I decided it was about time to take off my plush purple robe and get somewhat ready for the day. Afterwards, I fell asleep for a couple of hours.

I woke at 8:00pm to the wonderful smell of chinese food! K2 must have gotten hungry and decided I was in no state to cook. Bless him. I woke up AJ and we made our way downstairs. K3 was playing games on Nick Jr. on my computer (his dad was playing WoW on his computer), so I dished up some soup for me and AJ and we sat on Uncle David's couch to eat.

A few minutes later K3 went into the kitchen. “What are you doing honey?” “I can't tell you, it's a surprise.” I heard the ice maker going and then the freezer water and thought, “Wow, what a fantastic son! Just what I need.” And then K3 brought AJ a little sippy cup with water, and me a nice, big glass of water and ice...with yogurt on the side of the glass? I thanked K3 and he beamed with pride and ran back into the study.

And then I realized the yogurt-encrusted glass had come from the dishwasher full of dirty dishes. So I hurried and got up, made myself a new glass of water with ice, and hid the gross glass in the kitchen sink so as to not offend K3. AJ and I took turns eating the Wor Wonton soup. And by the time we finished my head was feeling much, much better. I think I'm going to survive.

Some days are harder than others. And some days are made much better by chinese food ordered by a loving husband.

PS – Honey? I agree with you. The regular wonton soup IS better than the wor wonton. But any chinese food is better than having to cook. Thank you. :)

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