Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Hippie Sister

A few weeks ago I read about a new way of cleaning your face. You use a mixture of olive oil and castor oil, do some meditation and imagine how you'd like your skin to look, steam your face with a warm washcloth, and then wipe off any excess oil. The olive and castor oils naturally draw the oils in your skin out and keep your face smooth, clean, and moisturized.

Here's the original article:

I thought I might as well try it. Not because my skin is particularly bad or anything, but because I ran out of Mary Kay face cleanser several months ago and have just been using water to clean my face lately. I figured this new "oil cleansing method" couldn't hurt!

So far I've had great success with it. My face feels nice, I take a few minutes to meditate and relax every night, and my skin does look better! Of course I made up a little bottle of oil cleanser for each of my sisters and my Mom (always trying to get them into my crazy ways!)

I need to change the amount of olive oil a little because my face is actually a bit too dry. So far I've been using about 70% extra virgin olive oil, 30% castor oil, 8 drops of tea tree oil, and 4 drops of lavender oil. I'm thinking I'll add some more of the olive oil and see if that works better for my skin.

Anyway, today my sister Tami shared a conversation she had with her fiance Robbie. It went something like this...

Tami: So I started this new way of cleaning my face. I use this mixture of oils and tea tree oil and such.
Robbie: Huh, doesn't that just make your face oily?
Tami: Not really, because the oils from the cleanser draw out the oils from your face!
Robbie: Is this something that your hippie sister Tina got you into?
Tami: Uh, yes.

Muahahaha! (Rubs hands together and laughs maniacally) My plot to convert my family to my crazy ways is working!

Yes, my family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) refer to me as a "hippie" because of the strange things I do.

I decided I should look up "hippie" because when I think of that term images of a tie-dye-wearing, non-showering, drug-using, vegetarian, anti-government, flower child come to mind. And I don't follow any of those.

But some of the descriptions of hippies could certainly be used to label me:

- a person with a non-conformist state of mind. Non-conformist in the sense that they don't conform to the socially accepted

- "back to the earth" lifestyle

- 'free spirited', or having 'alternative views'

- content to throw away the idea of fitting into society's norms

So I guess I am a hippie!

Here's a silly ongoing list of my "hippie-ways":

- Use Natural Family Planning (NFP) based on Toni Weschler's book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility"
- Chart my monthly cycles
- Use HypnoBirthing to have drug-free, mostly painless (honestly! It was amazing!) childbirths
- Make my own cloth nursing and menstrual pads (so much more comfortable than icky plastic!)
- Sew baby carriers (slings) so I can carry the kiddos around when they're little
- Started cloth diapering our boys when our second child was born and it was too dang expensive to buy disposables for two kids!
- Learned how to sew my own cloth diapers and training pants for our kids
- Started sewing their clothes, bedding, quilts, etc.
- Use homeopathic medicines when we can (Neti Pots for sinus irrigation, Hyland's homeopathic medicines for teething, colds, flu, etc.)
- Amber necklaces for natural teething remedy when the boys were young, and for me to help with menstrual pains
- Natural cleaners for the house
- Hand-made with natural ingredients: soaps, shampoos, and deodorants
- Clean my face every night with oil ("Oil Cleansing Method")

Huh. I guess there are a lot of things on that list that go against society's norms.

So thanks for the compliment Robbie; I'm guess I'm glad to be a hippie.

Oh, what color bottle would you like me to use for your oil cleanser?

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